The Small Animal Clinic (acronym in Slovenian: “KMŽ”) was established in 1960. The idea of specialist fields within veterinary medicine was promoted by now retired Prof. Vjekoslav Simčič, dr. vet. med., who was one of the first veterinarians in Slovenia to focus on canine and feline medicine.

(Photo 1: Prof. Simčič with a canine patient; Photo 2: Prof. Simčič, in an examination room; behind him, Bogdan Zdovc, dr. vet. med. (currently at BIC Ljubljana)).
In the following years, Prof. Simčič was the Head of the Clinic for Carnivores at the Veterinary Faculty, and trained many generations of veterinarians with a special interest in canine and feline medicine. His students became many of the best-known Slovenian canine and feline veterinary practitioners.

(Photo 3: Surgery as performed in the past; Prof. Simčič, his assistant Pavo Zaninović, dr. vet. med. (currently at Prva K); Photo 4: First veterinary dental procedure on a dog in Slovenia; from left to right Prof. Janoš Butinar, dr. vet. med. (currently Animal Hospital Postojna), Prof. Zlatko Pavlica, dr. vet. med., pioneering veterinary dentistry in Slovenia (KMŽ), and Prof. Vjekoslav Simčič, dr. vet. med.)
In 1987, the Clinic for Carnivores merged with the Clinic for Surgery and Ophthalmology, whose head was Prof. Jože Banič, and formed the basis for Clinic for Surgery and Small Animals, that was in 2016 renamed to Small Animal Clinic (KMŽ). Currently, the KMŽ team has 20 doctors of veterinary medicine (of which nine are specialists in canine and feline medicine and some in other veterinary medicine specialties), one BSc in Chemical Engineering, six veterinary technicians, one medical nurse, one chemistry technician and one sanitary technician. Several external collaborators, all doctors of veterinary medicine, also work with the team.

(Photo 5: Part of the KMŽ team)
KMŽ’s team primary goal is to provide clinical services to our patients (cats and dogs) while teaching veterinary medicine students as well as postgraduate students. Moreover, several other teaching opportunities are available at KMŽ. Another important mission is also research, which is conducted within the framework of the P4 0053 research group. You can learn more about our services by clicking on the “WHAT WE OFFER” menu button.
We happily share our knowledge with you on our blog and strive to provide more in other languages. All manuscripts, photographs and other information on this website are proprietary to KMŽ and its staff members (photo: Tanja Plavec, Barbara Lukanc, Aleksandra Domanjko Petrič, Tina Kotnik, Nataša Tozon, Alenka Seliškar). The use of any data from the website is prohibited without written permission from KMŽ.